Harshita Srivastava

Technology Lover!


Software Development Internship at Care24

  • Worked with the technology team in development of notification alert system in Django (python)
  • Worked on Management Information System Dashboards
  • Rewarded with a Bonus for Outstanding Performance


Final year B.Tech student at Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur


Face Recognition Project

  • Coded the project in Python using sklearn
  • Created a face recognizer that recognizes faces of people in a video
  • Implemented face detection using Haar Cascades
  • Implemented face recognition using different types of face recognizers such as Eigenface recognizer, Fisherface recognizer and LBPH recognizer
  • Implemented Image Processing aspects of the project in OpenCV
  • Github repository

Multi-process Sever and Multi-threaded Client

  • Used socket programming libraries of C to design a server that could chat with multiple clients simultaneously
  • Programmed a file server for file downloading by multiple clients
  • Github repository

Photo Gallery Web App

  • Created a photo gallery web application in Django (Python)
  • The application extracts the images of a certain hash tag from Twitter and displays them in the form of an image gallery
  • The application provides features of user authentication (login, logout and register a new user)
  • Implemented feature of sending email to the user when certain number of photos are stored in the album.

Blog Application

  • Created a blog application in Django (Python)
  • Created a user authentication system for logging in to the blog application to add, edit or delete posts
  • Implemented feature of saving new posts as draft and maintaining a page with list of unpublished posts which can be published later
  • Implemented feature of authorizing the adding, editing and deleting of posts such that non-authorized users can't add, edit or delete posts
  • Implemented the feature for adding comments in the blog
  • Github repository

Database Creation and Django Web App

  • Programmed scripts in Python for extracting textual and numeric data from the RefSeq database maintained by the National Center for Biotechnology Information for solving a bioinformatics problem
  • Used regular expressions and python libraries namely urllib, urllib2, cookielib
  • Github repository

Self Chat

  • Programmed a messaging web application that establishes connection between the browser and the echo server using WebSocket
  • Implemented forms and buttons using HTML and CSS
  • Implemented the dynamic operations in the chat using Javascript
  • Github repository

Polling Web App

  • Created a Polling web app in Django (Python)
  • The application takes food preferences from users and generates results showing names of the food items and corresponding votes in decreasing order of preference
  • The application provides features of user authentication (login, logout and register a new user)
  • Github repository

Bookmark Manager

  • Programmed a Ruby on Rails app to track the bookmarks
  • Created a user authentication system
  • App supports multiple users and each user can have multiple bookmarks
  • App supports updating and deleting of account by the user
  • Implemented model validations to ensure correct data is stored
  • Implemented forms to add or delete bookmarks
  • Github repository

Web Scraping

  • Programmed in python to scrape Ministry of Corporate Affairs website to get basic information about all the private companies in India
  • Used the Selenium Client Driver to automate web browser interaction from Python
  • Github repository

Music Boxes

  • Programmed a musical app in Javascript that produces different musical sounds corresponding to the clicked button
  • Implemented colour change feature of the buttons when hovered on by the mouse by using CSS pseudo-classes
  • Added 3 audio files (of type mp3, ogg and wav each) corresponding to each audio clip to take into account browser compatibility
  • Used jQuery for playing the audio files when a button is clicked
  • Github repository


Relevant courses done at IIT Kanpur

Data Structures and Algorithms
Discrete Mathematics
Machine Learning Techniques
Modern Cryptology
Computer Organization*
Fundamentals Of Computing
Probability And Statistics
Linear Algebra and Differential Equations

Independent coursework

Introduction to Computer Networking(Stanford Online)*
Introduction to Operating Systems (Udacity)*
Databases (Stanford Online)*
Responsive Web Design Fundamentals (Udacity)
*Ongoing courses


Programming Languages



Django (Python)
Android Studio
Ruby on Rails

Machine Learning

Sklearn (Python)


MIPS Assembly
Bash Scripting
Web Scraping
